
Monday 28 June 2021

Free Writing/Matrix

Last Friday I went to my friend's house to sleep over, I was with my brother.  Before we came there me and my brother just finished doing basketball training so we were very tired. The time we came there was around 9pm and that's when we started playing games and we finished at 6am. literary played games all night, we only had like 10 mins to rest until we can play games again, I was very tired and almost fell asleep around 5 but we bought some energy drinks to stay awake. So that's all, we enjoyed the night and it was really fun. 

Hunter Swoop


Top left-hand corner 

The dark walls lightened up with lights and paint.

Swing across to the top right-hand corner 

The walls are shiny with those lights above him.

Swing down to the bottom

The ground is bright but dull.

Swing round into the middle 

The narrow tunnel that is dark and dull was visited by an unknown person.

Plan your short story. 

The narrow dark tunnel is very dull but it was lightened up with lights and those colourful sprayed paints were visited by an unknown. The tunnel is a bit creepy but it is known for its horror story, she tried to walk past through it and nothing happened. she was happy that she passed the tunnel safely.


                          Animal Testing Should Be Banned?

                  Animal testing should be banned because they don’t deserve to be used as testing animals. We people should treat animals as a pet because they’re kind if you're nice to them. 

Monday 21 June 2021

Hunter Swoop

- Top left-hand corner- The lonely dark green mountain was watched by the person sitting on the mini bridge.

- Swing across to the top right-hand corner- The purple clouds could see how many trees are planted below him.

- Swoop down to the bottom- The calm lake could copy everything that is above him.

- Swing round into the middle- The mini lonely bridge was sited by the person that is watching the beautiful sunset.

Monday 14 June 2021


 Plastic bags should be completely banned. 

I would agree that plastic bags should be banned because they're killing our ocean. We should be using those reusable bags so that we don’t just throw them away because they would go straight in the ocean. Marine lives would be the first ones that will be affected, mostly these sea turtles were the most affected when it comes to plastic pollution. We should ban these plastics. If not it will kill our ocean.

Friday 11 June 2021


  New Zealand should get rid of the speed limits.

I think that is not a good idea for the drivers because if that ever happens many people will be in a critical situation or they will die. Having no speed limits on our road is very dangerous because people won’t be able to know what speed limit they should be driving. People would just probably go for 100-speed limits while some others would drive on a very low-speed limit, and that’s a very high chance of being involved in a car accident.

Thursday 10 June 2021


 What is Eco-Tourism? Tourism directed towards exotic, Natural Environments, and Wildlife. It also can be defined as responsible travel to natural areas that conserve the environment.

Why is it a growing trend? So that people would continue to protect their cultures and environmental spaces. It is important to protect our environment it's only for us but for the next generation. 

How can tourism help our oceans? They can explore our ocean's and reefs by diving and they can be a huge influence on water pollution, they could make a trend about how is our ocean-going, people should know about what's happening in our ocean so that they can do something as well not just the other people. They can be also a huge influence on overfishing and bycatch because bycatch and overfishing are not healthy for our ocean and coral reefs, they kill too much fish and it's not good for our coral reefs and for us. Probably they could stop it by their huge help. 

Friday 4 June 2021



Figurative Column

Literal Column

a.Just chill out dude! 

It means:


b. ‘He is driving me up the wall!’

It means

c. ‘His nose is out of joint’

It means


d. The teacher is a real scream

It means

e. What is she cooking up in her mind right now?

It means:


f. He gave her the eye. 

It means: