
Friday 7 July 2017

Information Report

Walt Correct structure + Language Features I began with a General statement then I wrote my description lighting. I finished with my education. I'm proud. Blurb I have been learning about Sevres weather and Thunderstorm. I write my information report about thunderstorm and write my evaluation.

Lighting is electric. A lighting Can kill people or injured people so many people died on lighting and so many people injured on lighting. A lighting it’s too dangerous. A Thunderstorm produce Lighting. Lighting is powerful electric that’s happen during thunderstorm. A lighting is from on cloud You the lighting it’s so fast you can see the lighting if thunderstorm happen Because when thunderstorm happen you can see the sky is A little bit darkness.

Sometimes the lighting is happen on farm lighting can kill a sheep and any animals. When lightning happen it’s cloudy and it's like gonna rain. You know lighting can burn your house or can destroy your car. Sometimes the lighting can be happen on afternoon cloudy weather and rainy day. So many lighting strike that happen to our earth. You know thunderstorm can make a lighting with heavy rain hail. I think the lighting It’s too dangerous and I think the thunderstorm can bring a super storm or heavy storm.

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Weather Art

We have been learning about weather. First i draw a building using white crayon if you finish your building you need to cut it give it to teacher after that we doing paint. we use color paint. the paint is black blue and dark blue and after a few days you need to stick the building that you make on the paper on the black paper. you need to put the building on the paper that we paint on it and we Done are weather art.